
NAM Sponsored 2024 CLM National Focus Conference

Event Date: December 4, 2024

NAM was a sponsor at the CLM National Focus Conference that was held on December 4, 2024, at the Hilton Downtown in New York City. Hearing Officer Michael Titowsky, Esq. participated in a prominent panel discussion entitled “Mastering Mediation in New York Scaffolding Law Cases.” During the session, Mr. Titowsky shared valuable insights on overcoming […]

NAM Supports the We Care Fund

The WE CARE Fund is part of the Nassau Bar Foundation, Inc, the charitable arm of the Nassau County Bar Association.  WE CARE is supported through donations and fundraising efforts of the legal profession and the community-at-large.

The Honorable John J. Ark (Ret.) Joins NAM's Esteemed Panel of Neutrals

Judge Ark served as a Justice of the New York State Supreme Court for 28 years. and presided over matters in each of the eight counties in the Seventh Judicial District, as well as serving five terms in New York County. His remarkable judicial career includes eight years serving as a supervising judge overseeing a multitude of toxic torts cases and five years handling matrimonial matters.